Sunday, December 12, 2010


ketagihan yg baru disedari semalam

Semalam baru jihan seda yg jihan addicted to FRAGRANCES! haha. yess, wangian, PERFUME, PARFUM, N EAU DE TOILETTE.

Hurrm, jom kte google knape dorang gune pkataan eau de toilette, mungkinkah ada kaitan ng toilet? adakah? ya kah? ish ish ish. okayh, begini sbnrnye ye..Eau du toilette literally bmaksud water of the toilet, atau as we would say in pure english, toilet water. Now perfume isn't toilet water, but cologne and perfume are consider toiletries along with toothbrushes, soap, face wash, etc. Toiletries is what we use to freshen up, and the word essentially comes from the French language. Stay fresh.< kata patrick > 


tommy girl
tommy hilfger

body shop 

banyak lagi perfume! google la sendiri ye

xoxo: miss jihan

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